What Is an O2 Analyzer?

A high-quality o2 analyzer the quality or concentration of oxygen within a mixture of gases. These analytical devices allow facility owners and managers to monitor gas levels, ensuring that they stay at an appropriate range for efficient and safe operations.

Trace Oxygen Analyzer

A trace oxygen analyzer (sometimes called a part-per-billion oxygen analyzer) utilizes a specialized electrochemical sensor that is specifically designed to measure low levels of oxygen at the parts-per-million or ppm level. This type of sensor is used in industrial applications that require extremely low amounts of oxygen, such as in metal heat-treating atmospheres or in gaseous environments with nitrogen or hydrogen.

These sensors are also ideal for measuring the headspace of packaged products, such as bottles or flexible packaging. The oxygen in the headspace can affect a product’s shelf-life, so these instruments help manufacturers and producers know when the content may expire.

Analyzing Oxygen Levels: The Role of O2 Analyzers in Various Industries

Medical oxygen analyzers, or o2 monitors, use the same electrochemical technology to determine the amount of oxygen in an individual’s breath. These meters are commonly used in hospitals, scuba diving, and other precarious environments to ensure the safety of a person. They can also be used to check the levels of oxygen in a compressed air tank or for weld purge gas.

Unlike a percent oxygen analyzer, these models have a loop powered, two-wire oxygen transmitter with eight possible measurement ranges from 0-10 to 0-20,000 ppm and AC or DC input power options. These sensors can be mounted in either general purpose or hazardous area applications, and include temperature compensation, a stainless steel probe, humidity extractor filter, and a watertight aluminum enclosure.